How our mill materialized. This is going to be my “Why did you make your mill” Norwood Sawmill 2023 Contest submission
Some times my web host degrades the quality so you can always find it on my YouTube Channel @deltaconcepts too….
Some times my web host degrades the quality so you can always find it on my YouTube Channel @deltaconcepts too….
I hope this meets their needs. I am really excited to be a part of providing materials that can be
I was blessed to get this new stove up here in one piece. I am getting closer to building completion
She made some nice nearly clear 2″ slabs and some planks. Good times
I now need to add a roof and permanent planks once I decide exactly how I want it.
Well I don’t have FB and was looking for the results and at least I made it into the finals.
Continue readingWe are a Norwood 2023 Category 4 “Norwood Adventure” Finalist